About Us

Vantage Point Forensic is a Southern California-based forensic animation and geospatial consulting company specializing in scene mapping, spatial analysis, and visualization.

Steyn Visagie is a licensed land surveyor, forensic animator, and FAA-certified remote (drone) pilot. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Surveying from the University of Cape Town and is a licensed professional land surveyor in California and Virginia. With a decade of experience in the forensic industry, he has worked with litigators and experts in accident reconstruction, injury biomechanics, traffic engineering, and human factors.

Steyn has inspected, surveyed, reconstructed, analyzed, and visually represented hundreds of scenes - ranging from car and train accident scenes to ski slopes, trampoline parks to prison cells, police shooting scenes to polo fields, and even an exploded gas line to a "haunted house of horrors".

If visualizing and understanding the spatial characteristics of a scene is a key component of your case, we can help.

steyn visagie, land surveyor, forensic animator

Steyn Visagie, BSc PLS