Examples of our
Visualization Products
The examples below depict real-world environments accurately surveyed, mapped, and rendered by us with a fair degree of photorealism. The events depicted are fictitious simulations and are for demonstration purposes only. Spatial data shown are based on real measurements and are accurate for the simulated locations.
For actual case work we use available data, i.e. video footage, event data recorders, or simulation data from your designated accident reconstructionist (i.e. PC-Crash simulation data) to “drive” the events in the animations.
Location: Cow Camp Road, Rancho Mission Viejo, Orange County, California
Key Points: accident reconstruction animation, dangerous roadway design/conditions, sight distances, perception reaction time
Animation depicting a third-person “reverse” perspective of a fictitious simulated collision between a vehicle and bicycle where dangerous roadway design/conditions might be a causal factor.
Traffic engineering or Human Factors experts, for example, could use such animations and data as foundation to effectively communicate opinions.
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/iKu9hiaN1nA
Location: Cow Camp Road, Rancho Mission Viejo, Orange County, California
Key Points: accident reconstruction animation, dangerous roadway design/conditions, sight distances, perception reaction time
Animation depicting the driver’s perspective of a fictitious simulated collision between a vehicle and bicycle where dangerous roadway design/conditions might be a causal factor.
This perspective visualizes sight lines from the driver to the cyclist. It also shows accurate data such as sight distances.
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/P34ixQ4tuAo
Location: Cove Road, Dana Point, Orange County, California
Key points: accident reconstruction animation, sight obstruction, stopping sight distance, dangerous roadway condition
Animation depicting a third-person’s perspective of a fictitious simulated collision between a vehicle and pedestrian where a sightline obstruction, insufficient stopping sight distance, and dangerous roadway conditions might be causal factors.
The scene accurately represents the real-world environment. Sight obstructions (i.e. the vegetation along the guardrail) are mapped and 3D modeled in detail for accurate spatial analysis.
Location: Cove Road, Dana Point, Orange County, California
Key points: accident reconstruction animation, sight obstruction, stopping sight distance, dangerous roadway condition
Animation depicting the driver’s perspective of a fictitious simulated collision between a vehicle and pedestrian where a sightline obstruction, insufficient stopping sight distance, and dangerous roadway conditions might be causal factors.
The scene accurately represents the real-world environment. Sight obstructions (i.e. the vegetation along the guardrail) are mapped and 3D modeled in detail for accurate analysis.
Location: Cove Road, Dana Point, Orange County, California
Key points: data visualization, point cloud visualization, dynamic cross sections, spatial data analysis, traffic engineering analysis
Animation depicting a dynamic cross section & spatial data along the roadway “point cloud”. Useful when “scrubbing” the video timeline back and forth to analyze lane widths, gaps, and other spatial dimensions along the roadway at specific points in time relative to the simulated incident.
Location: Cove Road, Dana Point, Orange County, California
Key points: sun glare, accident reconstruction animation
Animation depicting the driver’s perspective of a fictitious (for demonstration only) simulated collision between a vehicle and pedestrian where sun glare may have been a factor. The visual effect of sun glare cannot be exactly replicated in an animation, but the exact location of the sun in the sky relative to the environment can be precisely reconstructed for the date and time of the incident.
Human Factors experts might use such an animation and data as foundation for, and to effectively communicate their opinions.
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/j7tmm6cDxyk
Location: Cove Road, Dana Point, Orange County, California
Key points: sun glare, data visualization
Animation depicting a “Fisheye” driver’s perspective of the 3D scene environment along with a solar sky plot and relative sun deflection angles.
Human Factors experts might use such an animation and data as foundation for, and to effectively communicate their analysis and opinions.
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/MvJ9xk6jf7M
Location: Lantern Bay Village, Dana Point, Orange County, California
Key points: scene visualization, accident reconstruction animation, sight obstruction, sight distances, traffic engineering
Animation depicting a third-person perspective of a fictitious simulated collision between a vehicle and skateboarder where a sight obstruction might be a causal factor. It also visualizes the sight obstruction from the driver’s perspective.
Location: Shovelhead Mountain Biking Trail (Las Ramblas), San Juan Capistrano, Orange County, California
Key Points: scene visualization, data visualization
3D Animation depicting a “fisheye” rider’s perspective of a simulated virtual ride along a mountain biking trail. The terrain data (i.e. elevations, grade, and distances) shown along the trail is accurate (~0.15 ft) and is based on detailed mapping we performed.
Rider GPS tracking data, if available, could be used to simulate a specific bike ride/event.
Location: Cow Camp Road, Rancho Mission Viejo, Orange County, California
Key Points: 3D scene reconstruction, scene validation, drone imagery, camera tracking, video analysis
A side-by-side comparison of video footage from a drone vs. “matched” animated virtual footage. This is useful as a proof/validation of our 3D virtual scene.
Location: Cow Camp Road, Rancho Mission Viejo, Orange County, California
Key Points: 3D scene reconstruction, scene validation, drone imagery, camera tracking, video analysis
A side-by-side comparison of video footage from a drone vs. “matched” animated virtual footage. This is useful as a proof/validation of our 3D virtual scene.
Location: Dana Point, Orange County, California
Key Points: drone scene footage, scene visualization
Drone video footage of the landslide at the Dana Point Headlands. An exact scaled 3D model of Lady Liberty is matched to the footage and superimposed for scale.
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Piog6zN8jzk
Location: Dana Point, Orange County, California
Key Points: scene visualization, data visualization, animated/dynamic contours
Drone video footage of the landslide at the Dana Point Headlands. An animated contour line shows elevations (NAVD88 datum). Such demonstrative exhibits might be a useful for geotechnical or structural experts to formulate and convey opinions.
Location: Dana Point, Orange County, California
Key Points: scene visualization, data visualization, LiDAR data, camera tracking
This animation is an example of how different data sources can be visualized and used for pre-and-post event comparison. This specific example might be useful for geotechnical or structural experts to demonstrate analysis and opinions.
Location: Dana Point, Orange County, California
Key Points: scene visualization, data visualization, LiDAR data, camera tracking
This animation is an example of how different data sources can be visualized and used for pre-and-post event comparison. This specific example might be useful for geotechnical or structural experts to demonstrate analysis and opinions.